Our thoughts and memories of Glenn

Created by Barry 2 years ago

Dear Berry, Steve, Heidi, Sam and Suw

As a family we can find no words to truly express our feelings and emotions at this mosr dreadful of times, we can only offer our deepest and most heartfelt sorrow, sadness and love to you all at the cruellest and most untimely manner in which Glenn has been taken from you and from all of us who knew and loved him, he will forever be with us in our hearts and minds.

Amidst the grief and heartache of the present there are, thankfully, a host of wonderful memories of times spent together on which we can all draw, particularly of the early years and especially of course those memorable caravan holidays in France when the sun always seemed to shine (except when it rained!!). Amongst the most enduring of these memories has to be of the early morning outing on the camp site lake in an inflatable dinghy which Glenn and Michael took and during which a frog leapt into the dinghy with them at which point Glenn promptly jumped out of the dinghy into the water deciding that 'three was a crowd', we never did get to know what the frog thought of it all!

Hopefully as time passes you will be able to draw some degree of comfort and solace from these and the many, many other treasured remembrances that you hold of someone so very special. We count ourselves most fortunate to have been been given the opportunity too share some part of his life with him and to have known him as Glenn the boy and Glenn the man he grew up to be and of whom you are all so rightfully proud, always remembered with love and laughter.

with our love to you all

Barry, Sara, Mike, Caroline and Rachel
